Playscan™ – now available to the Chinese market

playscan-160.jpg 2 JULY 2013 (PRESS RELEASE) Together with Northberry AB in Sweden and FuSheng Interactive in Hong Kong, Playscan will position itself in the Chinese market. With their expertise and experience within high-growth sectors and new technologies in Asia – Playscan can now provide a solution in China that minimizes the harmful effects of gambling.

The Playscan solution provides not only an informed choice to the player about their gambling behaviour. It also provides the operator invaluable information to proactively prevent problematic gambling. This enables them both to react and act.

“The matter of consumer protection is both being prioritized and highlighted around the world. We can now operate successfully on a global scale with our solution that creates awareness about problematic gambling,” says Andreas Holmström, CEO of Playscan.

Andreas continues, “With changes in the gaming regulation this year, the Chinese government is now taking a stronger stance on the prevention of problematic gambling. Therefore Playscan is honored to be identified as the world leader in preventive responsible gambling solutions within this market.”

“We are delighted to work with Playscan in China, which is the second largest lottery market in the world. We believe Playscan have great potential in China and FSI will give full support on the development”, says Anders Holmgren Chairman FuSheng Interactive.

For more information, contact:

Mark Knighton Chief Sales Officer, Playscan AB
Telephone +46‐702 32 15 23

Northberry AB is a private investment company, assisting in Asia related investments and sales. Northberry AB is linking with Fusheng Interactive, a Hong Kong company, to together help foreign companies go into Asian market.

Playscan AB is a subsidiary of Svenska Spel and delivers unique custom made solutions in the field of problem gambling and Corporate Social Responsibility (’CSR’) tools towards the international and national e-gaming markets. Playscan AB combines cutting edge technologies with the expert knowledge and experience of gaming behaviour, problem gambling, and CSR. Playscan is developed in cooperation with Sustainable Interactions.
